A little structure goes a long way on the path to happiness. With our U-cup Eternity Ring, we give you geometric balance and diamond-studded brilliance. Set in gold, a single file of ethical, lab-grown diamonds makes its way around your finger in an unending commitment to your joy.
Inspiration: Seeking a method to the madness? Here’s a beacon of radiance amidst the greys, and a modicum of structure in the fluidity of life.
This jewelry is perfect for you if you’re looking for: diamond ring, diamond geometric eternity ring, diamond geometric eternity band, diamond geometric U cup eternity ring, diamond geometric U cup eternity band, lab grown diamond geometric U cup eternity ring, lab grown diamond geometric U cup eternity band, geometric U cup tennis ring, diamond geometric tennis ring, lab grown diamond geometric U cup tennis ring, diamond geometric full eternity band, lab grown diamond full geometric eternity ring, lab-grown diamond ring, lab grown diamond band, single row lab grown diamond ring, lab grown diamond jewelry, cruelty free jewelry, ethical diamond jewelry, cruelty free ring, ethical diamond ring, CVD ring, CVD jewelry, CVD horizontal eternity band, CVD classic horizontal eternity band, cocktail diamond ring, everyday diamond ring, fashion diamond band, lab grown diamond fashion band.